Respect & Compassion - Forget the Tech vs. Non-Tech Labels


Recently, I stumbled upon Mariko Kosaka's blog post on "Blur the Line" which resonated with me and piqued my interest on many levels. In particular:

  • her reference to Sarah Hendren's speech at Eyeo Festival 2016 on impresarios
  • she learned to use HTML and FTP at age 12 - around the time I learned as well!
  • being challenged by colleagues on her technical skill (see "do you even know CSS")
  • she rage cried because she dealt with "do you even know how to code" attitude from other technical people
  • how she hates it when people say as a matter of factly: "I'm interested in coding, but I'm not a math or science person"
  • ultimately, to get rid of categorization of tech vs. non-tech and "Treat everyone with respect."

What Mariko talks about in her post is exactly why we need givers in the workplace to help foster a kind culture. See Adam Grant "Are you a giver or taker?"

I'm plugging this here for posterity sake and for those who are also on a journey to their 2nd, 3rd, or nth career.